Development for STM32

This page aims at documenting how to start developing with Crazyflie. This document should work for the Crazyflie 2.X.


Clone the crazyflie-firmware project, or update it using the virtual machine "Update all projects" script. For Crazyflie 2.X make sure the current branch is "master."

~$ cd projects/crazyflie-firmware/
crazyflie-firmware$ git checkout master

And make sure the submodules are up-to-date.

crazyflie-firmware$ git submodule init
crazyflie-firmware$ git submodule update

Then make the firmware.

For Crazyflie 2.X:

crazyflie-firmware$ make
  DFUse cf2.dfu
Build for the CF2 platform!
Build 00:00000000 (20XX.XX.X-XX) CLEAN
Version extracted from git
Crazyloader build!
Flash |  218132/1032192 (21%),  814060 free | text: 213024, data: 5108, ccmdata: 0
RAM   |   71564/131072  (55%),   59508 free | bss: 66456, data: 5108
CCM   |   43528/65536   (66%),   22008 free | ccmbss: 43528, ccmdata: 0

To program using the radio bootloader, first install the cflib and cfclient, and put the CF2.X in bootloader mode:

For Crazyflie 2.X:

    crazyflie-firmware$ make cload

From command line the flash make target flashed the firmware using programming cable

    crazyflie-firmware$ make flash