We will be going to ROSCon 2024, Odense Denmark on the October 22th and 23rd! We will be located at booth 21.
ROS 2 Swarm Mapping demo
What we will show shown at our booth was a fully decentralized swarm demo where we showed of several items:
- The lighthouse positioning system for onboard positioning: This is are default demo setup for conference and fair booths.
- Multiranger based swarm mapping in ROS2: We are using the Crazyswarm2 project as the Crazyflie Communication server and a multiranger mapping ROS 2 node to create a map of the environment with 3 crazyflies at the same time. The map mering is being done by an community contributed github repo called mapMergeForMultiRobotMapping-ROS2.
THe Multiranger based swarm mapping is based on the skill learning session given at the Robotics Developer Day and based on what is done for the tutorial written in this blogpost.

Video of Demo
Here is a video of the demo as prepared for the Robotics Developer Day.
Products used in the demo
The following products are used in the demo, are available for purchase in our store.

The Crazyflie 2.1
The Crazyflie 2.1 is a small, flexible quadrotor, suitable for research and education. The small size and light weight makes it safe and robust if crashing, while the open source software opens up the possibility to modify or examine any part of the functionality.

The Lighthouse positioning system
The Lighthouse Positioning System is based on the Valve Lighthouse base stations, used in the SteamVR gaming kit. It has very high precision and accuracy to an affordable price, making it possible to use in any office or class room. The position is estimated in the Crazyflie quadrotor which makes the system robust and easy to use.

The Multiranger deck
The Multi-ranger deck gives the Crazyflie 2.x the ability to detect objects around it. This is done by measuring the distance to objects in the following 5 directions: front/back/left/right/up with mm precision up to 4 meters.

The Qi 1.2 wireless charging deck
The Qi 1.2 wireless charging deck uses the same standard as mobile phones which makes it easy to find a compatible charger.

The Crazyradio PA
The Crazyradio PA is a USB dongle radio that is used to communicate with the Crazyflie. It supports up to 800 packets/s to multiple Crazyflies simultaneously.
The charging pad
The charging pads are based on the wireless charger “NORDMÄRKE” from IKEA with a 3D-printed pad. The FreeCad and stl files for the pad are available on GitHub in Landing_pad_rallen_v5.fcstd and Landing_pad_v5.stl.

New products and Prototypes
- Crazyflie 2.1+
- Crazyflie Brushless
- Lighthouse positioning node Prototype
- Forward expansion deck prototype (with a camera)