Loco Positioning System 2 - MEM_TYPE_LOCO2

The Loco Positioning System memory implementation provides means to read information about the Loco Positioning System. There is no write functionality.

Memory layout

Address Type  Description
0x0000 uint8 number of anchors in the system (n)
0x0001 - 0x0000 + n uint8 unordered list of anchor ids in the system
0x1000 uint8 number of active anchors in the system (na)
0x1001 - 0x1000 + na uint8 unordered list of anchor ids for the anchors in the system that are active
0x2000 Anchor data Data for anchor id 0 (if available)
0x2100 Anchor data Data for anchor id 1 (if available)
Anchor data  
0x2000 + 0x100 * i Anchor data Data for anchor id i (if available)
Anchor data  
0x11F00 Anchor data Data for anchor id 255 (if available)

Anchor data memory layout

Address relative to start address for the anchor data

Address Type  Description
0x0000 float (4 bytes)  x coordinate of the anchor position
0x0004 float (4 bytes)  y coordinate of the anchor position
0x0008 float (4 bytes)  z coordinate of the anchor position
0x000C uint8  Is valid : 0 = the data is not valid, 1 = data is valid