Gazebo Spin Motors

Just mind that this model does not fly properly yet and is considered experimental

1- First install gazebo harmonic:

2- Clone this repo: git clone

3- Put this repo in your ~/.bashrc and source it in your terminal

export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH="{PATH ON YOUR COMPUTER}/crazyflie-simulation/simulator_files/gazebo/"

Note that indeed this is still IGN_GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH, eventhough gazebo dropped the name IGN so this should be updated at one point

4- Try out the crazyflie world with: gz sim worlds/crazyflie_world.sdf

5- Spin motors

gz topic -t /crazyflie/gazebo/command/motor_speed --msgtype ignition.msgs.Actuators -p 'velocity:[250,250,250,250]'