Deck memory - MEM_TYPE_DECK_MEM

This memory is used to access memory on decks when available. Decks that have firmware may also support firmware updates through write operations to the memory.

The information section contains information that allows a client to enumerate installed decks, identify decks with firmware that needs to be updated and the address to write new firmware to.

The information in a Deck memory info record is only valid if the Is valid bit is set to 1. The Is Valid bit is always valid, also when set to 0.

Some decks may take a while to boot, the Is started bit indicates if the deck has started and is ready. Data in the Deck memory info record should only be used if both the Is Valid and the Is started bits are set.

A deck driver may implement read and/or write operations to data on a deck, a camera deck could for instance provide image data through a memory read operation. The deck driver can freely choose the addresses where data is mapped. From a client point of view the address will be relative to the base address of the deck, the base address is acquired by a client from the information section.

If a deck has firmware upgrade capabilities, the write address for firmware upgrades must always be at 0 (relative to the base address). A deck is ready to receive FW if the Bootloader active flag is set.

The firmware that is required by a deck is uniquely identified through the tuple (required hash, required length, name).

Some decks have two hardware devices that requires two firmwares and memory mappings, like the AI deck with the ESP and the GAP8 modules. For this purpose the system supports two mappings per deck.

A deck may support commands, currently two flavors are available: reset to firmware and to bootloader. The deck signals the availability of the commands in the info bit fields.

Some decks can not be reset to bootloader mode by a client and will automatically be set in bootloader mode when the Crazyflie detects that the deck firmware is incompatible with the Crazyflie firmware.

Memory layout

Address Type  Description
0x0000 Info section  Information on installed decks and the mapping to memory
0x1000 Command section Commands sent to the decks for control
deck 1, main mem base address raw memory  Mapped to address 0 in the main memory on deck 1
deck 1, secondary mem base address raw memory  Mapped to address 0 in the secondary memory on deck 1
deck 2, main mem base address raw memory  Mapped to address 0 in the main memory on deck 2
deck 2, secondary mem base address raw memory  Mapped to address 0 in the secondary memory on deck 2
deck 3, main mem base address raw memory  Mapped to address 0 in the main memory on deck 3
deck 3, secondary mem base address raw memory  Mapped to address 0 in the secondary memory on deck 3
deck 4, main mem base address raw memory  Mapped to address 0 in the main memory on deck 4
deck 4, secondary mem base address raw memory  Mapped to address 0 in the secondary memory on deck 4

Info section memory layout

Address Type  Description
0x0000 uint8 Version, currently 3
0x0001 Deck memory info  Information for deck 1, main memory
0x0021 Deck memory info  Information for deck 1, secondary memory
0x0041 Deck memory info  Information for deck 2, main memory
0x0061 Deck memory info  Information for deck 2, secondary memory
0x0081 Deck memory info  Information for deck 3, main memory
0x00A1 Deck memory info  Information for deck 3, secondary memory
0x00C1 Deck memory info  Information for deck 4, main memory
0x00E1 Deck memory info  Information for deck 4, secondary memory

Deck memory info memory layout

Addresses relative to the deck memory info base address

Address Type  Description
0x0000 uint8 Bit field 1 describing the properties of the deck memory, see below
0x0001 uint8 Bit field 2 describing the properties of the deck memory, see below
0x0002 uint32 required hash - the hash for the reuired firmware
0x0006  uint32 required length - the length of the required firmware
0x000A  uint32 base address - the start address of the deck memory
0x000E  uint8[19] name - zero terminated string, max 18 bytes in total.

Deck memory info bit fields

Bit field 1:

 Bit  Property  0 1
0 Is valid no deck is installed or does not support memory operations a deck is installed and the data is valid
1 Is started the deck is in start up mode, data is not reliable yet deck has started, data is reliable
2 Supports read read not supported memory is readable
3 Supports write write not supported memory is writeable
4 Supports upgrade no upgradable firmware firmware upgrades possible
5 Upgrade required the firmware is up to date the firmware must be be upgraded
6 Bootloader active the deck is running FW the deck is in bootloader mode, ready to receive FW
7 Reserved    

Bit field 2:

 Bit  Property  0 1
0 Can reset deck the deck does not support the reset command the deck supports the reset command
1 Can reset to bootloader the deck does not support reset to bootloader mode the deck supports reset to bootloader mode
2-7 Reserved    

Command section memory layout

Address Type  Description
0x1000 Deck memory command data Command data for deck 1, main memory
0x1020 Deck memory command data Command data for deck 1, secondary memory
0x1040 Deck memory command data Command data for deck 2, main memory
0x1060 Deck memory command data Command data for deck 2, secondary memory
0x1080 Deck memory command data Command data for deck 3, main memory
0x10A0 Deck memory command data Command data for deck 3, secondary memory
0x10C0 Deck memory command data Command data for deck 4, main memory
0x10E0 Deck memory command data Command data for deck 4, secondary memory

Deck memory command data memory layout

Addresses relative to the deck memory command data base address

Address Type  Description
0x0000 uint32 Size of binary that will be written to flash
0x0004 uint8 A bit field representing commands

Deck memory command bit field

 Bit Command  0 1
0 Reset device to firmware no action reset the device
1 Reset device to bootloader no action reset the device to bootloader mode

Using deck memory in a deck driver

To use the deck memory functionality, define a DeckMemDef_t struct in your deck driver.

static const DeckMemDef_t myDeckMemoryDef = {
  .write = write_mem,
  .read = read_mem,
  .properties = propertiesQuery,
  .supportsUpgrade = true,

  .requiredSize = ...,
  .requiredHash = ...,

and add it to the deck driver struct

static const DeckDriver my_dek = {
  // ...
  .memoryDef = &myDeckMemoryDef,
  // ...

Implement the propertiesQuery() function to let the system know what properties and capabilities the memory mapping for your deck supports.

Also implement the write_mem and read_mem functions as needed, depending on the capabilities of the deck.

Secondary memory mapping

Some decks have the need to support two hardware devices with two firmwares and memory mappings, like the AI deck with the ESP and the GAP8 modules. To support this, it is possible to add a second DeckMemDef_t definition:

static const DeckMemDef_t memoryDefEsp = { .write = write_esp, .read = read_esp, .properties = properties_esp, .supportsUpgrade = true,

.requiredSize = …, .requiredHash = …,

.id = “esp” };

static const DeckMemDef_t memoryDefGap8 = { .write = write_gap8, .read = read_gap8, .properties = properties_gap8, .supportsUpgrade = true,

.requiredSize = …, .requiredHash = …,

.id = “gap8” };

And then you can add them like:

static const DeckDriver aideck_deck = { .vid = 0xBC, .pid = 0x12, .name = “bcAI”,

.usedGpio = DECK_USING_IO_4,
.usedPeriph = DECK_USING_UART1,

.init = aideckInit,
.test = aideckTest,

.memoryDef = memoryDefEsp,
.memoryDefSecondary = memoryDefGap8, };

And the names visible to the lib would be: “bcAI:esp” and “bcAI:gap8”