


MemoryTester(id, type, size, mem_handler)

Memory interface for testing the memory sub system, end to end.


  1. To verify reading:
    • Call read_data()
    • Wait for the callback to be called
    • Verify that readValidationSucess is True
  2. To verify writing:
    • Set the parameter ‘memTst.resetW’ in the CF
    • call write_data()
    • Wait for the callback
    • Read the log var ‘memTst.errCntW’ from the CF and validate that it is 0

Initialize Memory tester

Ancestors (in MRO)


def disconnect(self)

def new_data(self, mem, start_address, data)

Callback for when new memory data has been fetched

def read_data(self, start_address, size, update_finished_cb)

Request an update of the memory content

def write_data(self, start_address, size, write_finished_cb)

Write data to the Crazyflie

def write_done(self, mem, addr)