Bitcraze at FOSDEM 16 and flying pixel

At the end of the week Marcus and I are going at the FOSDEM 16 conference in Brussels. There we will meet Fred, who is the main community developer and maintainer of the Crazyflie Android app. If you also visit FOSDEM and want to meet 2/5th of Bitcraze, let us know!


Fred, like last year, is going to have a lightning talk about Crazyflie. You find him in the schedule. We look forward to seeing it!

Edit: We’re really excited to see a second talk about the Crazyflie 2.0. AdaCore will be talking about their work on re-implementing the firmware to SPARK (more info here).

Finally, as you might know, at Bitcraze we try to have fun Fridays. This means that we reserve Fridays for more personal project that are fun and would not get prioritized otherwise. For example the DWM Local Positioning System started as a Friday project as well as the led ring deck (it was for Crazyflie 1 back then, with a neopixel-ring).

Last Friday Björn tried to make a flying pixel. The idea is to enclose Crazyflie in a white paper box and to use the led-ring to light it in the air. We think that would look great with the local positioning system :-). To be honest what we ended up with is not fully working yet (we have a lot of problems making it fly), but we have ideas for next Friday and at least it looks quite nice already:

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