Category: Community

You might remember that at the beginning of this summer, we were invited to do a skill-learning session with the Crazyflie at the Robotics Developer Day 2024 (see this blog post) organized by The Construct. We showed the Crazyflie flying with the multi-ranger deck, capable of mapping the room in both simulation and the real world. Moreover, we demonstrated this with both manual control and autonomous wall-following. Since then, we wanted to make some improvements to the simulation. We now present an updated tutorial on how to do all of this yourself on your own machine.

This tutorial will focus on using the multi-ranger ROS 2 nodes for both mapping and wall-following in simulation first, before trying it out on the real thing. You will be able to tune settings to your specific environment in simulation first and then use exactly the same nodes in the real world. That is one of the main strengths of ROS, providing you with that flexibility.

We have made a video of what to expect of the tutorial, for which you should use this blogpost for the more detailed instructions.

Watch this video first and then again with the instructions below

What do you need first?

You’ll need to setup some things first on the PC and acquire hardware to follow this tutorial in full:

PC preparation

You’ll need to install ROS 2 and Gazebo simulator maintained by the Open Robotics foundation on an Ubuntu machine.


You’ll need to components at least of the STEM ranging bundle

If you have any different setup of your computer, it is okay as the demos should be simple enough to work, but, be prepared for some warning/error handling that this tutorial might have not covered.

Time to complete:

This is an approximation of how much time you need to complete this tutorial, depended on your skill level.

  • Complete ROS 2/Gazebo/Crazyflie beginner – 6 hours
  • Some experience with Crazyflie and but not with ROS – 4 hours
  • Some experience with ROS 2/gazebo but not with the Crazyflie – 3 hours
  • Experience with both ROS 2/Gazebo and the Crazyflie – 1 hour

If you have the Crazyflie for the first time, it would probably be a good idea to go through the getting started tutorial and connect to it with a CFclient with the Flowdeck and Multi-ranger deck attached as a sanity check if everything is working before jumping into ROS 2 and Gazebo.

Some things holds for ROS 2! It would be handy to go through the ROS 2 Humble beginner tutorials before starting.

1. Installation

This section will install 4 packages:

Make the workspaces for both simulation and ROS. You can use a different directory for this

mkdir ~/crazyflie_mapping_demo
cd crazyflie_mapping_demo
mkdir simulation_ws
mkdir ros2_ws
cd ros2_ws
mkdir src

Let’s clone the repositories in their right location, starting with simulation

cd ~/crazyflie_mapping_demo/simulation_ws
git clone language: JavaScript (javascript)

Then navigate to the ROS2 workspace source folder and clone 3 projects:

cd ~/crazyflie_mapping_demo/ros2_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone --recursiveCode language: PHP (php)

First install certain requirements as apt-get packages and pip libraries (might want to make a python environment for the latter)

sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev python3-colcon-common-extensions
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-motion-capture-tracking ros-humble-tf-transformations
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-ros-gzharmonic ros-humble-teleop-twist-keyboard
pip3 install cflib transform3D Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Also follow the instructions to give the proper rights to the Crazyradio 2.0 in this guide, but if this is your first time of working with the Crazyradio 2.0 first follow this tutorial.

Go to the ros2_ws workspace and build the packages

cd  ~/crazyflie_mapping_demo/ros2_ws/
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
colcon build --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=ONCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Building will take a few minutes. Especially Crazyswarm2 will show a lot of warnings and std_err, but unless the package build has ‘failed’, just ignore it for now until we have proposed a fix to that repository.

If the build of all the packages passes and non failed, please continue to the next step!

2. Simple mapping simulation

This section will explain how to create a simple 2D map of your environment using the multi-ranger. The ROS 2 package designed for this is specifically made for the multi-ranger, but it should be compatible with NAV2 if you’d like. However, for now, we’ll focus on a simple version without any localization inferred from the map.

Open up a terminal which needs to be sourced for both the gazebo model and the newly build ROS 2 packages:

source ~/crazyflie_mapping_demo/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH="home/$USER/crazyflie_mapping_demo/simulation_ws/crazyflie-simulation/simulator_files/gazebo/"Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

First lets be safe and start with simulation. Startup the ROS 2 launch files with:

ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup simple_mapper_simulation.launch.pyCode language: CSS (css)

If you get an ‘No such file or directory’ error on the model, replace $USER with your PC’s name.

Gazebo will start with the Crazyflie in the center. You can get a close-up of the Crazyflie by right-clicking it in the Entity tree and pressing ‘Move to’. You can also choose to follow it, but the camera tracking feature of Gazebo needs some tuning to track something as small as the Crazyflie. Additionally, you will see RVIZ starting with the map view and transforms preconfigured.

Open up another terminal, source the installed ROS 2 distro and open up the ROS 2 teleop keyboard node:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

Have the Crazyflie take off with ‘t’ on your keyboard, and rotate it around with the teleop instructions. In RVIZ you should see the map being created and the transform of the Crazyflie moving. You should be able to see this picture, and in this part of the video.

Screenshot of the Crazyflie in Gazebo generating a map with Teleop (video)

3. Simple mapping real world

Now that you got the gist of it, let’s move to the real Crazyflie!

First, if you have a different URI of the Crazyflie to connect to, first change the config file ‘crazyflie_real_crazyswarm2.yaml’ in the crazyflie_ros2_repository. This is a file that Crazyswarm2 uses to know to which Crazyflie to connect to.

Open up the config file in gedit or your favorite IDE like visual code:

gedit ~/crazyflie_mapping_demo/ros2_ws/src/crazyflie_ros2_multiranger/crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup/config/crazyflie_real_crazyswarm2.yamlCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

and change the URI on this line specifically to the URI of your Crazyflie if necessary. Mind that you need to rebuild ros2_ws again to make sure that this has an effect.

Now launch the ROS launch of the simple mapper example for the real world Crazyflie.

source ~/crazyflie_mapping_demo/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Now open up another terminal, source ROS 2 and open up teleop:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

Same thing, have the Crazyflie take off with ‘t’, and control it with the instructions.

You should be able to see this on your screen, which you can also check with this part of the video.

Screen shot of the real Crazyflie mapping while being controlled with ROS 2 teleop (video)

Make the Crazyflie land again with ‘b’, and now you can close the ROS 2 node in the launch terminal with ctrl + c.

4. Wall following simulation

Previously, you needed to control the Crazyflie yourself to create the map, but what if you could let the Crazyflie do it on its own? The `crazyflie_ros2_multiranger` package includes a `crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_wall_following` node that uses laser ranges from the multi-ranger to perform autonomous wall-following. Then, you can just sit back and relax while the map is created for you!

Let’s first try it in simulation, so open up a terminal and source it if you haven’t already (see section of the Simple mapper simulation). Then launch the wall follower ROS 2 launch file:

ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup wall_follower_mapper_simulation.launch.pyCode language: CSS (css)

Take off and wall following will go fully automatic. The simulated Crazyflie in Gazebo will fly forward, stop when it sees a wall with it’s forward range sensor and follow the wall on its left-hand side.

You’ll see on RVIZ2 when the full map is created like here below and this part of the tutorial video.

Screenshot of the simulated Crazyflie in Gazebo mapping will autonomously wall following (video)

You can stop the simulated Crazyflie by the following service call in another terminal that is sourced with ROS 2 humble.

ros2 service call /crazyflie/stop_wall_following std_srvs/srv/Trigger

The simulated Crazyflie will stop wall following and land. You can also just close the simulation, since nothing can happen here.

5. Wall following real world

Now that we have demonstrated that the wall-following works in simulation, we feel confident enough to try it in the real world this time! Make sure you have a fully charged battery, place the Crazyflie on the floor facing the direction you’d like the positive x-axis to be (which is also where it will fly first), and turn it on.

Make sure that you are flying with a room with clear defined walls and corners, or make something with cardboard such as a mini maze, but the current algorithm is optimized to just fly in a squarish room.

Source the ROS 2 workspace like previously and start up the wall follower launch file for the

ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup wall_follower_mapper_real.launch.pyCode language: CSS (css)

Like the simulated Crazyflie, the real Crazyflie will take off automatically and automatically do wall following, so it is important that it is flying towards a wall. It should look like this screenshot, or you can check it with this part of the video.

The real crazyflie wall following autonomously while mapping the room (video).

Be careful here to not accidently run this script with the Crazyflie sitting on your desk!

If you’d like the Crazyflie to stop, don’t stop the ROS2 nodes with ctrl-c, since it will continue flying until crash. It’s not like simulation unfortunately where you can close the environment and nothing will happen. Instead, use the ROS 2 service made for this in a different terminal:

ros2 service call /crazyflie_real/stop_wall_following std_srvs/srv/Trigger

Similar the real Crazyflie will stop wall following and land. Now you can close the ROS 2 terminals and turn off the crazyflie.

Next steps?

We don’t have any more demos to show but we can give you a list of suggestions of what you could try next! You could for instance have multiple Crazyflies mapping together like in the video shown here:

This uses the mapMergeForMultiRobotMapping-ROS2 external project, which is combined with Crazyswarm2 with this launch file gist. Just keep in mind that, currently, it would be better to use a global positioning system here, such as the Lighthouse positioning system used in the video. Also, if you’d like to try this out in simulation, you’ll need to ensure different namespaces for the Crazyflies, which the current simulation setup may not fully support.

Another idea is to connect the NAV2 stack instead of the simple mapper. There exists a couple of instructions on the Crazyswarm2 ROS2 tutorials so you can use those as reference. Check out the video below here.

Moreover, if you are having difficulties setting up your computer, I’d like to remind you that the skill-learning session we conducted for Robotics Developer Day was entirely done using a ROSject provided by The Construct, which also allows direct connection with the Crazyflie. The only requirement is that you can run Crazyswarm2 on your local machine, but that should be feasible. See the video of the original Robotics Developer Day skill-learning session here:

The last thing to know is that the ROS 2 nodes in this tutorial are running ‘offboard,’ so not on the Crazyflies themselves. However, do check out the Micro-ROS examples for the Crazyflie by Eprosima whenever you have the time and would like to challenge yourself with embedded development.

That’s it, folks! If you are running into any issues with this tutorial or want to bounce some cool ideas to try yourself, start a discussion thread on

Happy hacking!

A few weeks ago, the prestigious Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) conference was held at Delft University of Technology. We helped with the co-organization of a half-day tutorial and workshop called “Aerial Swarm Tools and Applications” so Kimberly (I) was there on behalf of both Bitcraze and Crazyswarm2. In this blog post, we will tell you a bit about the conference itself and the workshop (and perhaps also a tiny bit about RoboCup)

The Robotics: Science and Systems conference

The Robotics: Science and Systems conference, also known as RSS, is considered one of the most important robotics conferences to attend, alongside ICRA and IROS. It distinguishes itself by having only a single track of presented papers, which makes it possible for all attendees to listen to and learn about all the cool robotics work done in a wide range of fields. It also makes it more difficult to get a paper accepted due to the fixed number of papers they can accept, so you know that whatever gets presented is of high quality.

This year the topic was very much on large language models (LLMs) and their application in robotics, most commonly manipulators. Many researchers are exploring the ways that LLMs could be used for robotics, but that means not a lot of small and embedded systems were represented in these papers. We did find one paper where Crazyflies were presented, namely the awesome work by Darrick et al. (2024) called ‘Stein Variational Ergodic Search’ which used optimal control for path planning to achieve the best coverage.

It gave us the chance to experience many of the other works that could be found at RSS. One in particular was about the robotic design of the cute little biped from Disney Imagineering named “Design and Control of a Bipedal Robotic Character” by Grandia et al. (2024). Also very impressive was the Agile flight demo by the group of Davide Scaramuzza, and we enjoyed listening to the keynote by Dieter Fox, senior director at Nvidia, talking about ‘Where is RobotGPT?’. The banquet location was also very special, as it was located right in the old church of Delft.

You can find all the talks, demos, and papers on the website of RSS 2024

Photos of day 3 of RSS

Aerial Swarm Workshop

The main reason we joined RSS was that we were co-organizing the workshop ‘Aerial Swarm Tools and Applications’. This was done in collaboration with Wolfgang Hönig from Crazyswarm2/TU Berlin, Miguel Fernandez Cortizas and Rafel Perez Segui from Aerostack2/Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), and Andrea Testa, Lorenzo Pichierri, and Giuseppe Notarstefano from CrazyChoir/University of Bologna. The workshop was a bit of a hybrid as it contained both talks on various aerial swarm applications and tutorials on the different aerial swarm tools that the committee members were representatives of.

Photos of the Aerial Swarm Tools and Applications workshop

Sabine Hauert from the University of Bristol started off the workshop by talking about “Trustworthy swarms for large-scale environmental monitoring.” Gábor Vásárhelyi from Collmot Robotics and Eötvös University gave a talk/tutorial about Skybrush, showing its suitability not only for drone shows but also for research (Skybrush was used for the Big Loco Test show demo we did 1.5 years ago). The third speaker was SiQi Zhou, speaking on behalf of Angela Schöllig from TU Munich, discussing “Safe Decision-Making for Aerial Swarms – From Reliable Localization to Efficient Coordination.” Martin Saska concluded the workshop with his talk “Onboard relative localization for agile aerial swarming in the wild” about their work at the Czech TU in Prague. They also organize the Multi-robot systems summer school every year, so if you missed it this year, make sure to mark it in your calendar for next summer!

We had four tutorials in the middle of the workshop as well. Gábor also showed Skybrush in simulation after his talk for participants to try out. Additionally, we had tutorials that included real, flying Crazyflies live inside the workshop room! It was a bit of a challenge to set up due to the size of the room we were given, but with the lighthouse system it all worked out! Miguel and Rafael from Aerostack2 were first up, showing a leader-follower demo. Next up were Wolfgang and Kimberly (Crazyswarm2) who showed three Crazyflies collaboratively mapping the room, and finally, Andrea and Lorenzo from CrazyChoir demoed formation control in flight.

You can see the Crazyflies demos flying during the tutorials in the video below. The recording of each of the talks can be found on the workshops website:

RoboCup 2024 Eindhoven

Luckily, there was also a bit of time to visit Eindhoven for a field trip to the 2024 edition of the world championship competitions of RoboCup! This is a very large robotics competition held in several different divisions, namely Soccer (with many subdivisions), Industrial, Rescue, @Home, and Junior. Each country usually has its own national championships, and those that win there can compete in the big leagues at events like these. RoboCup was extremely fun to attend, so if any robotics enthusiasts happen to live close to one of these, go! It’s awesome.

Photos of the field trip to RoboCup

Maybe drone competitions might be one of RoboCup’s divisions in the future :)

Whenever we show the Crazyflie at our booth at various robotics conferences (like the recent ICRA Yokohama), we sometimes get comments like ‘ahh that’s cute’ or ‘that’s a fun toy!’. Those who have been working with it for their research know differently, but it seems that the general robotics crowd needs a little bit more… convincing! Disregarding its size, the Crazyflie is a great tool that enables users to do many awesome things in various areas of robotics, such as swarm robotics and autonomy, for both research and education.

We will be showing that off by giving a live tutorial and demonstration at the Robotics Developer Day 2024, which is organized by The Construct and will take place this Friday, 5th of July. We have a discount code for you to use if you want to get a ticket; scroll down for details. The code can be used until 12 am midnight (CEST) on the 2nd of July.

The Construct and Robotics Developer Day 2024

So a bit of background information: The Construct is an online platform that offers various courses and curriculums to teach robotics and ROS to their users. Along with that, they also organize all kinds of live training sessions and events like the Robotics Developer Day and the ROS Awards. Unfortunately, the deadline for voting in the latter has passed, but hopefully in the future, the Crazyflie might get an award of its own!

What stands out about the platform is its implementation of web-based virtual machines, called ‘ROSJects,’ where ROS and everything needed for it is already set up from the start. Anyone who has worked with ROS(2) before knows that it can be a pain to switch between different versions of ROS and Gazebo, so this feature allows users to keep those projects separate. For the ROS Developer Day, there will be about five live skill-learning sessions where a ROSject is already preconfigured and set up for the attendees, enabling them to try the tutorial simultaneously as the teacher or speaker explains the framework.

Skill learning session with the Crazyflie

One of the earlier mentioned skill learning sessions is, of course, one with the Crazyflie! The title is “ROS 2 with a Tiny Quadcopter,” and it is currently planned to be the first skill learning session of the event, scheduled at 15:15 (3:15 pm) CEST. The talk will emphasize the use of simulation in the development process with aerial robotics and iterating between the real platform and the simulated one. We will demonstrate this with a Crazyflie 2.1 equipped with a Lighthouse deck and a Multi-ranger deck. Moreover, it will also use a Qi-charging deck on a charging platform while it patiently waits for its turn :D

What we will be showing is a simple implementation of a mapping algorithm made specifically for the Crazyflie’s Multiranger deck, which we have demonstrated before at ROSCon Kyoto and in the Crazyswarm2 tutorials. What is especially different this time is that we are using Gazebo for the simulation parts, which required some skill learning on our side as we have been used to Webots over the last couple of years (see our tutorial for that). You can find the files for the simulation part in this repository, but we do advise you to follow the session first.

You can, if you want, follow along with the tutorial using a Crazyflie yourself. If you have a Crazyflie, Crazyradio, and a positioning deck (preferably Lighthouse positioning, but a Flowdeck would work as well), you can try out the real-platform part of this tutorial. You will need to install Crazyswarm2 on a separate Ubuntu machine and add a robot in your ROSject as preparation. However, this is entirely optional, and it might distract you from the cool demos we are planning to show, so perhaps you can try this as a recap after the actual skill learning session ;).

Here is a teaser of what the final stage of the tutorial will look like:

Win a lighthouse explorer bundle and a Hands-On Pass discount

We are also sponsors of the event and have agreed with The Construct to award one of the participants a Crazyflie if they win any contest. Specifically, we will be awarding a Lighthouse Explorer bundle, with a Qi deck and a custom-made charging pad similar to the ones we show at fairs like ICRA this year. So make sure to participate in the contests during the day for a chance to win this or any of the other prizes they have!

It is possible to follow the event for free, but if you’d like to participate with the ROSjects, you’ll need to get a hands-on pass. If you haven’t yet gotten a hands-on ticket for the Robotics Developer Day, please use our 50% off discount code:


This code is valid until the 2nd of July, 12 am (midnight) Central European Time! Buy your ticket on the event’s website:

RSS 2024 aerial swarm workshop

On a side note, we will be at the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference in Delft from July 15th to 19th, 2024—just about two weeks from now. We won’t have a booth as we usually do, but we will be co-organizing a half-day workshop titled Aerial Swarm Tools and Applications (more details on this website).

We will be organizing this workshop together with our collaborators at Crazyswarm2, as well as the developers of CrazyChoir and Aerostack2. We’re excited to showcase demos of these frameworks with a bunch of actual Crazyflies during the workshop, if the demo gods are on our side :D. We will also have great speakers, including: SiQi Zhou (TU Munich), Martin Saska (Czech Technical University), Sabine Hauert (University of Bristol), and Gábor Vásárhelyi (Collmot/Eötvös University).

Hope to see you there!

It’s been over a little year since we started the ROS Aerial Robotics community group together with the Drone Code Foundation, and it is still going strong (blogpost 1, blogpost 2). Since there is a nice mix of people joining the meetings from different backgrounds and drone operating systems, we have had quite a few discussions and overviews of various topics. For instance, we’ve explored courses in Aerial Robotics and other subjects in previous meetings. An important goal of the group has been to make it easier for people to get started with flying robotics, which we’ve achieved by collecting essential information in the ‘Aerial Robotic Landscape’.

Starting out in Aerial Robotics

Let’s cut to the chase: Aerial Robotics is a very challenging field to get started in. Not only do you need a comprehensive understanding of which hardware to acquire, but users also face a multiple choices. These decisions include selecting the right autopilot, simulator for testing ideas, and necessary sensors to achieve autonomy. Unlike the well-established Turtlebot in other robotics domains, there isn’t a universally accepted and field-tested getting-started development drone in the aerial robotics world. While we at Bitcraze would love everyone to go for the Crazyflie, we recognize its limitations. Like, it may not handle outdoor flights with GPS or carry heavy cameras effectively. Our goal, as the ‘Aerial Robotics Community group,’ is to make it easier for beginners by providing users with information about the hardware and software they truly need.

Drone Code Foundation and Bitcraze AB had a keynote speech together at ROSCon 2023 about getting started in Aerial Robotics called ‘Up, Up, and Away: Adventures in Aerial Robotics’. Please take a look at the talk here on Vimeo.

The Aerial Robotics Landscape website

The Aerial Robotics Landscape serves as a repository of information related to all things Aerial Robotics. It started out in the GitHub repository, and it grew due to the discussions held at the aerial robotics community group meetings. Additionally, contributions from both group members and external contributors have played an important role (you can explore the merged PRs).

As the pages and tables expanded, it became clear that a better representation was necessary than just the mere README documentation on the GitHub repository. The group therefore experimented with MKDocs, creating a website in the ‘Read the Docs’ theme. This is a similar theme that important packages within in the ROS ecosystem use, such as the ROS documentation, as well as ROS 2 packages like Nav2 and Crazyswarm2.

Please take a look at the rendered website here:

Please contribute!

The Aerial Robotics Landscape is a dynamic , where development kits emerge while others are discontinued, new simulators rise while some remain unsupported, and autopilot and autonomy features evolve monthly. This ever-changing landscape demands constant updates and additions. We try to do this to the best of our ability, but we can’t do it alone — we need your help.

If you believe that your favorite hardware platform is missing from the landscape, or if you’ve recently developed a new planning algorithm for fixed-wing vehicles or created a YouTube course on optical-based flight, please contribute by means of a pull request to the GitHub repository. We’ve put together a guide on how to contribute to the Aerial Robotics Landscape here. Let’s make the website useful together!

If you’d like to join the ROS aerial Robotics meetings, please take a look at our community github repository for joining information. The next meeting is the 5th of June, 4 PM UTC and was announced on ROS discourse.

“What? You are in Japan? Again!?”. Yup that is right! We loved IROS Kyoto 2022 so much that we just couldn’t wait to come back again. Barbara, Arnaud and Rik are setting up the booth as we speak to show some Bitcraze awesomeness to you! Come and say hi at booth IC085.

The gang before the rush starts!

Crazyflie Brushless and Camera expansion

Of all the prototypes we are the most excited of showing you the Crazyflie Brushless and the ‘forward facing expansion connector prototype’ aka the Camera deck. Here you can see them both in action at a tryout of our demo. We have also written blogposts about both so make sure to read them as well (Brushless blogpost, Camera expansion blogpost)

The Crazyflie Brushless flying with a Camera deck.

Also we will explain about the contact charging prototype (see the blogpost here) and will be showing all of our decks at the booth as well. And of course our fully autonomous, onboard, decentralized peer-to-peer and avoiding swarm demo will be displayed as always. Make sure to read this blogpost of when we showed this demo at IROS 2022 to understand what is fully going on!

Also take a look at our event page of the ICRA 2024 demo.

Hand in your Crazyflie posters at our booth!

We will be providing a ‘special disposal service’ for your conference poster! We would love to see what you are working on and get your poster, because we have a lot of space in our updated office/flight space but a lot of empty walls.

If you hand in your poster at the booth, you’ll get a special, one-of-a-kind, button badge that you can wear proudly during the conference! So we will see you at booth IC085!

The ‘Bitcraze took my poster’ button!

This week we have a guest blogpost by Christian Llanes, a Robotics PhD of from Formal Methods & Autonomous Control of Transportation Systems Lab of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Enjoy!

Why do we need simulators?

Simulators are one of the most important tools used in robotics research. They usually are designed for different purposes with different levels of complexity. For example, simulators with low computational overhead that are parallelizable are mainly used for either training reinforcement learning algorithms or Monte Carlo sampling for verification of task completion in a nondeterministic environment. Some simulators also use rendering engines for the graphical display of models and the environment or when cameras are intended to be used in the robotics platform. Simulation is also useful for the development and deployment of new robotics firmware features where the firmware is compiled on a test machine and run in the loop with a simulated sensor suite. This simulator configuration is known as software-in-the-loop (SITL) because the vehicle firmware is intended to be run in the loop with the simulated vehicle physics and/or rendering engine. This feature is supported by autopilot suites such as PX4ArduPilotCogniPilot, and BetaFlight. This feature is not officially supported yet for Crazyflies because it requires a large overhaul of the firmware to be able to compile on a desktop machine and interact with different simulators such as Gazebo, Webots, PyBullet, CoppeliaSim, Isaac Sim, or Unreal Engine.


Last summer I began working with Crazyflies and noticed this Crazyflie simulator gap. I stumbled on a community-developed project for Crazyflie SITL called sim_cf. This project is exactly what I was looking for. However, the firmware used by the project is from July 2019 and the official firmware has had over 2000 commits made since then. The project also uses ROS 1, Gazebo Classic, and doesn’t support the Crazyflie Python library (CFLib). Using this project as a starting point I set out to develop CrazySim–a Crazyflie SITL project that doesn’t require ROS, uses Gazebo Sim, and supports connectivity through CFLib. Using CFLib we can connect the simulator to external software such as Crazyswarm2 or the Crazyflie ground station client. Users test their control algorithms in the external software using the simulator interface before deploying to real flight hardware.

An example of offboard model predictive control design and deployment workflow using CrazySim.

Using the Crazyflie Client for PID Tuning

We have also provided a modified Crazyflie client for CrazySim support. The Crazyflie client is a cool tool for testing a single drone in hardware. We can perform command based flight control, look at real time plots, save log data, and tune PID values in real time. The PID values are typically tuned for an out of the box Crazyflie. However, when we modify the Crazyflie and add extra weight through batteries, decks, and upgraded thrust motors then the behavior of the Crazyflie will change. If a user wants to tune a custom Crazyflie setup, then they can add additional models in this folder with their own motor and mass properties. Then they just need to add it to the list of supported models in either of the launch scripts. There is already an example model for the thrust upgrade bundle. Documentation for installing the custom client can be found here.

PID tuning a simulated Crazyflie using CrazySim on the Crazyflie PC client.


We can now connect to the simulated Crazyflie firmware using CFLib. Therefore, we can set up a ROS 2 interface through Crazyswarm2 for swarm command and control through ROS 2 topics and services. To do this we first startup the drones using any of the launch scripts.

bash tools/crazyflie-simulation/simulator_files/gazebo/launch/ -n 16 -m crazyflie

Then, we bring up Crazyswarm2 after setting up the configuration file for the number of drones chosen.

ros2 launch crazyflie backend:=cflib

We demonstrate an example of how we can control a swarm of drones using Crazyswarm2 GoTo service commands.

Crazyswarm2 GoTo service commands using CrazySim.

ICRA 2024

CrazySim is also being presented as a paper at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Yokohama, Japan. If you are attending this conference and are interested in this work, then I invite you to my presentation and let me know that you are coming from this blog post after. For the paper, I created a multi agent decentralized model predictive controller (MPC) case study on ROS 2 to demonstrate the CrazySim simulation to hardware deployment workflow. Simulating larger swarms with MPC may require a high performance computer. The simulations in this work were performed on an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X desktop processor.

Model predictive control case study for ICRA 2024 paper.


  1. CrazySim
  2. Modified Crazyflie client

Other Crazyflie SITL projects:

  1. sim_cf
  2. sim_cf2 blog post
  3. LambdaFlight blog post

This week it will be a bit of a different blogpost than you are used to read from us. Usually we talk about cool prototypes, explain bits and pieces from the Bitcraze ecosystem or let external parties/researchers show case their awesome work that they’ve done on the Crazyflie. Today’s blogpost will be more about a societal topic that plays a big part within the robotics world: diversity! Bitcraze is helping out with the Diversity Scholarship of this year’s ROSCon, which we’d like to advertise about, but is also complimented by some words about diversity in robotics and how this topic is reflected upon within Bitcraze itself.

Diversity & Robotics

It’s widely acknowledged that the field of robotics lacks diversity. While there have been improvements, significant underrepresented groups remain, including women, individuals in LGBTQIA+ communities, people with disabilities, and those from racial and/or ethnic minorities. There are some interesting communities to look into if you are part of these groups yourself. However, if you know of any other ones that are interesting, of course, let us know.

Other than these earlier mentioned groups, we do not regard ourselves as the absolute expert on diversity in robotics, but we have perhaps a simple but interesting statistic to share from our experience. We usually receive requests for guest blog posts on our website from external researchers and engineers looking to showcase their work with the Crazyflie. We thought it would be interesting to graph the gender distribution of these guest bloggers:

Gender of our guest blogposters on

As you may have noticed, before 2020, all of our guest bloggers were male, and only in recent years has that changed. It’s also worth mentioning that to our knowledge, none of the bloggers has openly identified as anything other than cis-gender male or female. While this shift represents progress, it’s important to acknowledge that there is still room for improvement. Additionally, it is essential to recognize that this tiny statistic does not fully reflect the diversity of the robotics community but rather (perhaps) pertains to a specific subset, such as aerial robotics.

Diversity & Bitcraze

So let me just cut to the chase, Bitcraze is a very small company with currently only 6 full-time employees. Currently, we don’t have any formal policies on hiring and promoting diversity. However, we do have a very open culture within the company where we can discuss these topics at our coffee breaks without restrictions or judgment. There is a genuine interest in sharing and discussing negative experiences related to the lack of diversity at previous workplaces, so we do talk about it a lot.

In terms of our impact internally and externally, for now, we don’t come across enough hiring opportunities to implement diversity policies. We can perhaps also invite more diverse guest bloggers to contribute to our website, or make our developer meetings more welcoming. However, there is only a limited influence that we can exert here with our small company. Therefore, the choice to support other communities we love to improve diversity is perhaps the most we can do to contribute to this cause.

We are already involved in the ROS community by helping out with the ROS aerial community working group (blogpost1, blogpost2) and we loved the atmosphere during ROSCon when we were in Kyoto. When the opportunity arrived to be a co-chair of the diversity committee of ROSCon 2024, together with Belén Torres from Wymaq, we gladly took it and are hoping that is were we can make more of a difference.

Diversity Scholarship at ROSCon 2024

This year’s ROSCon will be held in Odense, Denmark, between October 21st and 23rd. Since 2016, the ROSCon organization has launched a diversity scholarship opportunity, and this year’s event is expected to be the biggest one yet. Individuals belonging to the underrepresented groups in robotics, as mentioned earlier, are invited to apply for the scholarship. The deadline is April 5th, so please don’t wait too long to apply. Check here for the ROS discourse post and here for the diversity scholarship application on the ROSCon website.

As of this year around March/April we started with both Bitcraze developer meetings and Aerial-ROS meetings (the latter in collaboration with Dronecode Foundation). Now that summer is around and our office is a bit empty, we had a bit of a summer break, however we will start the meetings back up again soon! The next ROS-aerial meeting will be on the 16th of August and we will also have a Bitcraze developer meeting planned on the Wednesday the 6th of September (keep an eye on our announcements in discussions). In this blogpost we like to take the opportunity to show an overview of the meetings we had so far.

Aerial ROS meetings

In March we started a [ROS community working group] for aerial Vehicles together with our friends at Dronecode foundation, aka Aerial-ROS! We have biweekly meetings with some standard discussion meetings (with a topic) and with an invited guest presentation.

Here are the discussion topic meetings we had:

And we had several guest speakers as well! Like Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas from CAR-UPM talking about Aerostack2:

ROS-aerial Meeting guest presentation about Aerostack2

Then we had a guest presentation from Gerald Peklar from NXP talking about the Drones4Bats project:

ROS-aerial Meeting guest presentation about Drones4Bats

And the last before the summer was from Alejandro Hernández Cordero (Open Robotics Consultant) about the ROS2 Project Vehicle Gateway.

ROS-aerial Meeting guest presentation about Vehicle Gateway

The next meeting for ROS-aerial is planned on the 16th of August. Keep an eye on the ROS discourse forum.

Bitcraze Developer Meetings

We already had a couple of developer meetings before but we started recording them since April. The first recorded one was about the loco positioning system. Here first we gave a presentation about the system itself, with the latest developments cooking in our pot and time for questions afterwards.

Dev meeting about Loco positioning.

Then we had a meeting about the development of safety features in the Crazyflie in light of the Bolt developments:

Bitcraze Dev meeting about Safety features.

Then we had a meeting where Kristoffer highlighted the autonomous swarm demo we showed at ICRA 2023.

Bitcraze dev meeting about the autonomous swarm demo

And the last before the summer holiday, we had a meeting where Kimberly explained about the Crazyflie simulationmodel intergrated into Webots

Bitcraze Dev meeting about Simulation

We are still planning to have developer meeting every first wednesday of the month starting with September 6th (keep an eye on our announcements in discussions).

EPFL 101 Crazyflie presentation

Oh yeah, by the way, we also were invited by the EPFL-lis lab to give another Crazyflie 101 presentation in Lausanne last April! We made a prerecording of it so you can check it out right here:

EPFL LIS crazyflie 101 presentation.

See you all after summer!

In our ROS-aerial community working group, we had a meeting a few weeks ago to discuss education and tutorials within Aerial Robotics (see the ROS discourse thread here). The general conclusion was that there should be more courses and tutorials since the learning curve is too steep. But… is that actually the case? According to a LinkedIn post by Kimberly, asking for suggestions, we found out that might not be true! There are loads of tutorials out there! So in this blog post, we will provide an overview of the suggested tutorials and the ones that have materials available online.

Stable diffusion with prompt ‘A drone flying in front of a school blackboard’

Online books

One of the first suggestions was to explore the online free book titled ‘Small Unmanned Aircraft: Theory and Practice.’ This book has been written by Randy Beard and Tim McLain of Brigham Young University, and it covers everything from the absolute basics of coordinate frames and quadrotor dynamics to path planning and cameras. It is a must-read for anybody starting in UAVs and Aerial robotics.

The physical book can be found here:

The available PDFs can be accessed on GitHub:

Courses specified on Aerial Robotics

Here are some suggestions for courses specifically focused on Aerial Robotics. These received the most recommendations! Many universities have made their courses available online, accessible to anyone interested.

Coursera offers the ‘Robotics: Aerial Robotics’ course as part of the Robotics specialization. Taught by Prof. Vijay Kumar from Penn University, this 4-week course covers the mechanics and control of aerial vehicles using Matlab. It starts from 1 dimension and gradually progresses to the 3rd dimension in simulation. The course is part of a paid educational program, but you can audit the lessons for free.


Udacity has been offering a course on Aerial Vehicles for quite some time. The lessons are taught by top names in the industry and cover key aspects of Aerial Robotics, such as motion planning, controls, and estimation, with lab assignments involving a real drone. The course duration is 4 months, and access is available for a fee.


The University of Maryland offers a course on Autonomous Aerial Robotics, making all videos, slides, and assignments available. Taught by Nitin J. Sanket and Chahat Deep Singh, the course covers everything from basic control and dynamics to full autonomy. It’s a comprehensive resource for aerial robotics. The course utilizes the Parrot Bebop 2.0, and while a Mocap system is required, you may explore the possibility of adapting the course to a different platform.


Additionally, there’s the course ‘Applied Control System 3: UAV Drone (3D Dynamics & Control)’ which is part of a series by Mark Misin. This course delves deep into the dynamics, control, and modeling of quadrotors.


Courses specified on Robotics applied to UAVs

Here are some suggestions for courses that focus on robotics but utilize UAVs/drones to demonstrate the implementation of the studied materials.

‘Visual Navigation For Autonomous Vehicles’ is a course available on MIT Open Courseware, taught by Prof. Luca Carlone. As the name implies, the course primarily focuses on autonomous navigation for any autonomous vehicle. It includes exercises where students implement vision algorithms on both ground robots and drones. Additionally, the course covers working with ROS and applying the knowledge to a simulated drone in Unity.


The ‘Bio-inspired Robotics’ course at the University of Washington, led by Prof. Sawyer Fuller, explores the realm of drawing inspiration from nature rather than reinventing the wheel. It covers various robots inspired by creatures capable of swimming, walking, hopping, and of course, flying. Lab assignments in this course involve working with a Crazyflie drone.


Brown University offers a course called ‘Introduction to Robotics,’ taught by Prof. Stefanie Tellix. While the introduction covers generic robotics, the focus of the full course is on building and programming the Duckiedrone. The course dives straight into autonomy and also teaches students how to work with ROS.


Update (4th of July)

Princeton University (see this blogpost) have also decided to release their ‘Intro to Robotics’ lectures and materials for the public. Can’t believe I forgot this one!


Youtube tutorials

If you’d like to start hands-on right away, here are a couple of suggestions for YouTube tutorials or series about aerial robotics.

Drone Programming with Python: This popular tutorial/course teaches viewers how to program a real drone using Python with the DJI Tello. It offers a great opportunity for anyone looking for a short and enjoyable project to undertake, especially on a rainy day, while still working with a real platform.


Intelligent Quads YouTube Channel: This channel is entirely dedicated to creating autonomous UAVs, covering topics from Ardupilot to MAVlink to ROS and Gazebo. It appears to be a valuable resource for beginners in the field of autonomous UAVs.


But wait, there is more!

There are some extra recourses for you to also take a look at.

  • Self-Driving Car Specialization: If you are interested in learning more about SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and sensors, this specialization is tailored for self-driving cars but the theory can be useful for drones as well. Link:
  • Drone Dojo: For those looking to build their own drones, Drone Dojo provides useful instructions and courses to get started on DIY drone projects. Link:

To conclude

Indeed, it appears that there are plenty of courses and tutorials available for people interested in getting started with aerial robotics. The range of resources is vast, and it’s possible that we might still be missing some, which could lead to a part 2 of this blog post in the future! And perhaps also we would need to delve into these to see why the learning curve is considered steep. However, aerial robotics is not an easy subject anyway so perhaps it is good to start from the basics. Nevertheless, this compilation should provide a solid starting point for anyone eager to delve into the world of aerial robotics. A major thank you to everyone who has contributed so far (linked to in the original LinkedIn post); your valuable input has made this possible!

As mentioned in a previous blog post, we have a both at ICRA in London this week. If you are there too, come and visit us in booth H10 and tell us what you are working on!

Barbara and Arnaud is getting the booth ready

We are showing our live autonomous demo and our products in the booth, including the flapping drone Flapper Nimble, don’t miss it!

The autonomous demo

The decentralized autonomous demo that we are showing is based on technologies in the Crazyflie ecosystem. The general outline is that Crazyflies are autonomously flying in randomized patterns without colliding. The main features are:

Positioning using the Lighthouse positioning system, all positioning estimation is done in the drone. The Lighthouse positioning system provides high accuracy and ease of use.

Communication is all peer-to-peer, no centralized functionality. Each Crazyflie is transmitting information about its state and position to the other peers, to enable them to act properly.

Collision avoidance using the on-board system without central planing. Based on the position of the other peers, each Crazyflie avoids collisions by modifying its current trajectory.

Wireless charging using the Qi-deck. When running out of battery, the Crazyflies go back to their charging pads for an automatic re-fill.

The App framework is used to implement the demo. The app framework provides an easy way of writing and maintaining user code that runs in the Crazyflie.

We are happy to answer any questions on how the technology works and implementation details. You can also read more about the demo in the original blog post by Marios.

Developer meeting

The next developer meeting is next week, Wed June 7 15:00 CEST and the topic will be the demo and how it is implemented. If you want to know about any specific technologies we used, how it is implemented or if you are just curious about the demo in general, please join the developer meeting. We will start with a presentation of the different parts of the demo, and after that a Q&A. As always we will end up with a section where you can ask any question you like related to our ecosystem. Checkout this announcement on our discussion platform for information on how to join.